Challenges, bookshops and broken down cars.

Caroline M
6 min readFeb 13, 2018
“A library with filled bookshelves and blurred light bulbs hanging from the ceiling” by Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

I love books. I always have done, always will do. It used to matter to me that they had to be printed books, but my kindle has converted me to ebooks as well. Not only do I have more books in my house than bookshelves but I have hundreds stored in that wonderful cloud in the sky just waiting their turn to be downloaded to my kindle and be next in line. But, there’s something special about a bookshop regardless of whether it’s a chain or one of the old style second hand bookshops that you can lose yourself in for at least a few hours if not an afternoon. Unfortunately those are few and far between now, a dying breed of fusty-smelling shops that when written down it sounds horrible, but when you actually walk into one the scent is exceptional — the age of the books that are stacked at the bottom of the piles, the piles themselves precariously balanced as if a small puff of wind would knock them over, the ancient mixed with the new, classics mixed alongside pulp fiction. They’re all there just waiting to be discovered.

Now, this isn’t exactly the way I’d planned this post to go! I was going to talk about my Goodreads challenge and how many books I’d committed myself to reading in the year. But, then I started thinking about bookshops and I couldn’t resist. I like the one in Jim Carrey’s movie ‘The Number 23’ where his wife first finds that fateful book. That combined with…

